

  • 上海市四平路1239号衷和楼805
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发布时间:2022-08-19     浏览:5539




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1. 教育经历

芬兰坦佩雷大学            高等教育管理                                                  博士

芬兰坦佩雷大学&奥地利多瑙大学 高等教育管理与创新(MARIHE)    硕士

Master of Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE) 研究生项目是欧盟资助的Erasmus Mundus伊拉斯谟世界奖学金硕士学位项目。由奥地利多瑙大学,芬兰坦佩雷大学,中国北京师范大学,德国奥斯纳布吕克应用科技大学联合举办,授予奥地利多瑙大学和芬兰坦佩雷大学联合学位。

东南大学                      英语                                                                学士

2. 工作经历

2021年至今 同济大学高等教育研究所                                                  助理教授

芬兰坦佩雷大学高等教育研究组                                                           研究人员、讲师

荷兰屯特大学高等教育政策研究中心(CHEPS)                                   实习研究人员

东南大学外国语学院                                                                            学生办公室主任、辅导员

3. 学术访问


丹麦哥本哈根大学 亚洲研究北欧中心


4. 学术兼职  

2020至今 芬兰坦佩雷大学高等教育研究者 附属研究人员

5. 学术积累

- 国内科研项目:







- 国际项目:

(1)中芬联合学位质量保障框架构建研究”,芬兰教育署(GINTL 项目),2022-2023,主要参与人;


(3)中欧大学治理与学术领导力项目2”,欧盟Erasmus plus项目,2019-2022,主要参与人;

(4)“中欧大学治理与学术领导力项目”,欧盟Erasmus plus项目,2016-2018,主要参与人;


(6)“欧盟-中国博士教育合作项目(EU-China DOC)项目”,欧盟Erasmus plus国际项目,2013-2016,主要参与人;

(7)“国际高等教育调控(IHEM) 项目”,荷兰教育部经费项目,2013,项目研究人员

- 参与国际学术网络:

同济大学中欧高等教育合作研究中心 Center for China-Europe Higher Education Cooperation Studies (China-Europe HECS), Tongji University

中芬教育研究中心 Sino-Finnish Education Research Center, FinlandSFERC);

博士生教育研究者国际网络International Doctoral Education Researchers Network (IDERN);

高等教育研究者国际联盟 Consortium of Higher Education Researcher (CHER);

芬兰高等教育青年学者网络(发起人之一) Early-career Higher Education Researchers Network in Finland (one of the Founders) 

高等教育青年学者国际网络Early-Career Higher Education Researcher Network (ECHER)

丹麦未来高等教育研究中心Center for Higher Education Futures(CHEF), Denmark;

欧盟伊拉斯谟校友联盟Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association, European Union.

- 学术发表:


(1)     Shen, Q., Ruan, N., & Zheng, G. (2024). They returned to the Chinese mainland, and what? A collaborative autoethnographic study on the career transitions of Chinese international doctorates from the West to the east. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/17516234.2024.2386720

(2)     Zheng, G., Cai, Y., & Zuo, B. (2024). Cultivating Global Scholars: Delving into Chinese Doctoral Students’ Integration Experiences at Finnish Universities Through an Institutional Logics Lens. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 15(2), 7901-7926. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-023-01420-8

(3)     Kohtamäki, V., Zheng, G., & Jinia, N. (2024). Gender inequality in academic leadership: Bangladesh, China and Finland. Higher Education Quarterly, 78(1), 78-92. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1111/hequ.12447

(4)     Zheng, G., Li, L., Zhai, Y., & Shen, W. (2024). Embarking on the postdoc journey: Unveiling Chinese doctoral graduates' expectations and experiences. Higher Education Quarterly, 78(2), 404-420. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1111/hequ.12466

(5)     Zheng , G., & Li , W. (2024). Critical Policy Analysis of the Second Round of the Double First-Class Project in China. ECNU Review of Education, https://doi.org/10.1177/20965311241265372

(6)     刘扬,郑高明&马近远 (2024).香港特区教育学科博士论文质量保障机制研究. 学位与研究生教育 7, 82-89.

(7)     Zheng, G., Kim, M.-J., Qi, J., Aarnikoivu, M., Bekova, S., Meki-Kombe, C., Shabdan, B., & Ts'ep, L. (2024). Uncovering the journey of building communities: A story of a global network for early and mid-career researchers in higher education studies. In M. Aarnikoivu & A.-T. Le (Eds.), Building Communities in Academia. Emerald Publishing.

(8)     蔡瑜琢、蔡三发、郑高明(2024).中欧高等教育合作的发展历程及新机遇.神州学人 6, 4-6.

(9)       郑高明,潘茂波, 胡馨之, 徐强, & 萧遥. (2024). “贯通式”中德高水平人才联合培养:模式、困境与保障策略. 同济教育研究, 9, 1-18.

(10)   陈杰, 蔡三发, 郑高明, 陈旭琪, & 潘茂波. (2023). 新型研究型大学高质量教育体系的组织创新与保障策略. 中国高教研究, 4, 1-7.

(11)  Zhong, Z., Zheng, G., & Wang, Y. (2023). Impact of Transnational Research Collaboration on Universities’ Innovation Performance: Panel Data Research of 64 Chinese Universities from 2009 to 2019. Sustainability, 15(1), 83. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/1/83

(12)  Mason, S., Lévesque, M., Meki-Kombe, C., Abel, S., Balaban, C., Chiappa, R., Grund, M., Joubert, B., Kuchumova, G., Mantai, L., Main, J., Motshoane, P., Qi, J., Steyn, R., & Zheng, G. (2022). Reflections from early-career researchers on the past, present and future of doctoral education. In M. Nerad, D. Bogle, U. Kohl, C. O’Carroll, C. Peters, & B. Scholz (Eds.), Towards a Global Core Value system in Doctoral Education (pp. 241-256). UCL Press. https://doi.org/10.14324/111.9781800080188

(13)  郑高明、刘宝存&蔡瑜琢 (2022). 知识社会发展中芬兰博士生教育改革:动因、举措与成效. 学位与研究生教育, 8, 86-93.

(14)  Cai, Y., & Zheng, G. (2021). China’s policies and practices with respect to higher education cooperation with the EU. In E. Balbachevsky, Y. Cai, H. Eggins, & S. Shenderova (Eds.), China’s policies and practices with respect to higher education cooperation with the EU. Brill.   

(15)  Zheng, G. (2021). Book review Research Handbook on Academic Careers and Managing Academics. International Journal of Chinese Education, 1(2), 1-2.

(16)   Zheng, G.   (2020). Quality and Quality Assurance of Europe-China Joint Doctoral   Education: An Institutional Logics Perspective.(Doctoral degree), Tampere   University, Tampere, Finland.

(17)   Zheng, G. (2019).   Deconstructing Doctoral Students Socialization from an Institutional Logics   Perspective: A Qualitative Study of the Socialization of Chinese Doctoral   Students in Finland. Frontiers of Education in China, 14(2).

(18)   Zheng, G., Kivistö, J.,   Shen, W., & Cai, Y. (2019). Comparing doctoral education in China and Finland:   an institutional logics perspective  In Haiqin Liu, Fred Dervin, &   Xiangyun Du (Eds.), Nordic-Chinese Intersections Within Education (pp.   197-231). Helsinki: Palgrave MacMillan.

(19)   Zheng, G., Shen, W., & Cai, Y. (2018). Institutional logics of Chinese   doctoral education system. Higher Education, 76(5), 753-770.

(20)    Zheng, G., & Cai, Y. (2018). Collaboration   between Europe and China in doctoral education: historical development and   future challenges. In Anatoly V. Oleksiyenko, Qiang Zha, Igor Chirikov, &   Jun Li (Eds.), International Status Anxiety and Higher Education: Soviet   Legacy in China and Russia (1st ed., Vol. 35, pp. 335-361). Hong Kong:   Springer & Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC).

(21)    Zheng, G., Cai, Y., &   Ma, S. (2017). Towards an analytical framework for understanding the development of a   quality assurance system in an international joint programme. European   Journal of Higher Education, 7(3), 243-260.

(22)   Cai, Y., & Zheng, G. (2016).   University academic promotion system and academic identity: An institutional   logics perspective. In L. Leisyte & U. Wilkesmann (Eds.), Organizing   Academic Work: Teaching, Learning, and Identities (1st ed., pp. 243-261).   Routledge. 

(23)   Zheng, G. 2014). Changing academic work in China: under the impact of academic   promotion policy (Publication Number 29977) [Monograph, University of   Tampere]. Tampere.

(24)   Zheng, G.. 2014). China: Changing and conflicting, Chinese university governance   in Post-Mao Era. In Attila Pausits, Gaoming Zheng, & Rediet Tesfaye Abebe   (Eds.), New Public Management in Higher Education - International Overview   and Analysis (pp. 107-121). Krems: Donau University Krems.

(25)   Pausits, A., Zheng, G., & Abebe, R. Tesfaye (Eds.). (2014). New Public Management in   Higher Education: International Overview and Analysis, Krems Donau   University Krems Press: Krems.

6. 教学积累

 - 负责课程

《(国际与)比较高等教育》(研究生专业课, 中英文双语)






 - 指导学生




8. 获奖与荣誉

  最佳论文奖:郑高明,蔡瑜琢马绍壮(2016),于西班牙瓦伦西亚2016 Eu-SPRI 青年学者论坛“科学、创新和大学:社会影响力的关键”中发表题为国际项目质量保障体系构建:中葡项目为例的论文报告,并获论坛唯一最佳论文奖;




ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gaoming-Zheng

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.fi/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=mLK8Kk8AAAAJ


更新于 2024.09.24